This product is intended only to experienced users!
Please perform all operations with all precautions that apply to work
with ESD sensitive devices. This product is not suitable for children
under 15 years. The functioning of every decoder is fully tested before
delivery. Should nevertheless a failure occur, please contact the
supplier where you purchased the decoder or directly the
manufacturer. The warranty period is one year from the date of
purchase. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage to the
train model and/or digital decoder caused by improper installation,
assembly or disassembly of the model, as well as by exceeding the
maximum allowed operating parameters.
IMPORTANT: Soldering work required for installation of this decoder.
Soldering iron with thin tip (1 mm) and good soldering skills needed for this.
Miniature Digital Decoder ZM05A User’s Manual Ver. 1.07
Art. No: ZM05A-1, ZM05A-2
Email: [email protected]
© Zmodell 2023-2024
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