p. 55/69
the deposited ash in the convective section of the boiler, as well as the chimney
Cleaning the convective duct of the boiler is performed in the following
Unscrew the specialized fixing nuts, which are used to tighten the lid of the
convective duct of the boiler and carefully detach the covering lid. Practice
shows that in some cases the gasket could be adhered to the plates of the
convective section, which will to difficult detachment of the lids – take care no
to damage the gasket rope, eventually it has to be replaced.
Figure 5.14. Convective lid, which covers the upper orifice for cleaning the
deposited ash on the heat exchanging surfaces of the boiler;
Figure 5.15. Convective lid, which covers the lower orifice for cleaning out the
ash, collected after the cleaning process on the heat exchanging surfaces of the
Fixing nuts, used to fix the
upper convective duct lid
Fixing nuts, used to
fix the lower
convective duct lid