Evaluation Kit Manual
Kit Description
February 12, 2013
© 2013 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG
— Rev. 1.00
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the
prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is
subject to changes without notice.
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Configuration and CONFIGx Sections
The recommended method for changing configuration settings is to select the required setting from each of the
drop-down menus for each register in the
“CONFIG1” through “CONFIG5” sections at the top right of the GUI
shown in Figure 9.1. For advanced users who are knowledgeable in ZSPM4521 bit assignments (for details, refer
), settings can be changed manually using the “Configuration” section at
the bottom left of the GUI.
e “Configuration” section of the GUI enables changing the hexadecimal data settings in the configurable
registers of the ZSPM4521 (except STATUS, which is read-only). To change the registers, click on the
Registers” button as shown in Figure 9.4. To prevent further changes to the configuration registers,
“Disable Configuration Registers.” After enabling configuration of the registers, click on the “Read Config”
button to read the current configuration of the ZSPM4521.
Recommendation: Record the existing configuration register settings before changing any settings and writing the
new configuration to the ZSPM4521. Refer to the
“Reference” section (see section 9.3) for definitions for the
register bits and valid settings.
The “Load from File” button can be used to select a pre-defined set of values for the configuration
registers from a previously saved configuration file (see Figure 9.5).
Figure 9.4 Enabling/Disabling
Default Condition = Disabled
Configuration Registers are Write-Protected
Writing to Configuration
Registers is Enabled
To change a register manually, click on the row for the register and enter the new value for the register in
hexadecimal as illustrated in Figure 9.6.
Click to Enable Writing to
Configuration Registers