SpeedFace M1/M2
User Manual
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Access Logs Setting
Access Logs Setting
on the System interface.
Camera Mode
Whether to capture and save the current snapshot image during verification.
There are 5 modes:
No Photo:
No photo is taken during user verification.
Take photo, no save:
Photo is taken but is not saved during verification.
Take photo and save:
Photo is taken and saved during verification.
Save on successful verification:
Photo is taken and saved for each successful
Save on failed verification:
Photo is taken and saved during each failed
Display User Photo
Whether to display the user photo when the user passes verification.
Access Logs Warning
When the remaining record space reaches a preset value, the device will
automatically display a warning. Users may disable the function or set a valid
value between 1 and 9999.
Circulation Delete
Access Records
When access records have reached the full capacity, the device will
automatically delete a set value of old access records. Users may disable the
function or set a valid value between 1 and 999.
Cyclic Delete ATT
When attendance photos have reached the full capacity, the device will
automatically delete a set value of old attendance photos. Users may disable
the function or set a valid value between 1 and 99.
Confirm Screen
The time duration that the success message is displayed on the screen. The
valid range is1 to 9 seconds.