1. Fingerprint can not be read or it takes too long.
Check whether a nger or ngerprint sensor is stained with sweat, water, or dust
Retry after wiping o nger and ngerprint sensor with dry paper tissue or a mildly
wet cloth.
If a ngerprint is too dry, blow on the nger and retry.
2. Fingerprint is veri ed but authorization keeps failing.
Check whether the user is restricted by group or time zone.
Check with administrator whether the enrolled ngerprint has been deleted from the
device for some reason.
3. Authorized but door does not open.
Check whether the lock open duration is set to appropriate time, which opens the lock.
Check whether anti-passback mode is in use. In anti-passback mode, only the person
who has entered through that door can exit.
4. Why device display system broken and the alarm is ringing.
Check whether the device and back plate are securely connected to each other. If not,
a tamper switch is activated which triggers the alarm and keeps it ringing.
5. How to set
used as ngerprint reader on inBio access controller.
Reeference the Wiegand Output Connection on page
Enroll personnel s PIN in inBio panel as a card
2.4 Inch TFT Time Attendance
Access Control Terminal INSTALLATION GUIDE
2.4 Inch TFT Time