2. User Management
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Scroll the▲/▼ key and local cursor on the "Privile
ge" option box, scroll
/ key to choose privilege.
Save/exit user registration
To confirm the registration information is correct, after getting
confirmation, save it.
The way for saving:
1) S
croll ▲/▼key to locate cursor on the "completes (
please press "OK" key again, the prompt "the data has been changed, Are you
sure to save it?” on the equipment, press "OK" the key to save it, if you do not
want saving, press "ESC" to exit. If the prompt, “Save successfully!
Continues to input?" appear on equipment, want continuing to press "OK", if
you abandon this operation, press "ESC" key.
2) Press the ESC key or scroll ▲/▼key to locate the cursor on the "
return (ESC)"button, please press "OK" key again, the prompt "the data
has been changed, Are you sure to save it" appear on equipment, press
"OK" key to save and return to the preceding of menus, does not serve
and return to the preceding of menus, press "ESC" key.
2.2 Manage user
All users’ information saved in the current device can be queried in
manage user,
including user name, fingerprint count, whether to enroll
password or card, user attendance record and so on. Editing or deleting
user can also be done here.