Purpose Of This Guide
This manual was created to walk ZipGarden™ owners through the installation and
growing process of their hydroponic systems. This manual will provide you with the tools
you need to install and operate your ZipGarden™ effectively. If you have questions about
anything covered (or not covered) in this guide, feel free to reach out to our team via
email at [email protected], or call 855-ZIPGROW.
About Small-Scale Growing
The first reported soilless horticulture
techniques were published in the late 1600s.
Since then, the science and techniques
associated with hydroponics have exploded;
making growing plants without soil sustainable
and much more accessible. The same is true
for vertical growing technology—what you see
in the design of our ZipGarden™ is many
centuries of work in the making. That said,
more than ever it is easy to oversimplify
growing plants in soilless environments. Small-
scale systems like the ZipGarden™ can be
tricky to manage since fluctuations in air
quality and water quality can have a greater
effect. Now that you’re about to embark on
this endeavour, know that there will be times
when growing is really simple and everything is
perfect, but there will also be times where it
will not be as easy. We encourage you to take
challenges as learning opportunities! There will
be times when your plants aren’t growing the
way you want or expect, and that’s okay, as
long as you have the right outlook. Any time
something might not go according to plan, this
is a chance for you to master the art of
growing in this exceptional way. We are thrilled
to help you troubleshoot and get to a place
where growing without soil becomes second-
nature. That’s why we’ve created guides like
this! This manual is littered with links and
resources you can use to your advantage —
keep your eye out for those and use them.
And as always, if you have questions don’t
hesitate to reach out!