Plant show signs of deficiency
Plants with yellowing, brown spots, or necrosis may have a deficiency of one or
multiple nutrients.
Make sure that you are applying fertilizers properly (instructions above). To learn
more about nutrient deficiencies,
watch this video
Pests and diseases on Farm Wall
Insect pests like aphids, thrips, and whiteflies, and diseases like powdery mildew and
botrytis occur on Farm Wall crops just like other crops.
You can use most conventional pest controls with these pests. For detailed
recommendations, see the
Pest & Disease Packet
Drip emitters are clogging
Sometimes, drip emitters will become clogged with salt build up or soil particles,
cutting the water off from plants.
Clean out the drip emitter by unscrewing the bottom of the dripper, cleaning out
the membrane inside, or by taking out the membrane altogether. See how in
Problem: Algae build up in gutter
Algae can cause daily fluctuations in pH and compete with plants for nutrients if there
is too much. (A little bit of algae won’t hurt.)
Algae is best controlled by shading. ZipGrow Towers are shaded by the Tower
housing and by the black media inside, but the gutter may receive more sun. Shade
the gutter by using something to cover any areas allowing light to hit the water.
Gutters are leaking
Gutters may leak if the seal is not complete. This can happen if sealant didn’t dry
completely before adding water, but usually is caused when not enough sealant was used.
Empty and dry out the gutters completely.
Marine-Grade Sealant or Boat Bond are the
best sealants to prevent leaking. Fill the groove of the end caps with an adequate amount of
sealant (at least 1/2 full around the entire groove). Secure the end caps to the bottom gutter so the
edges of each gutter rests inside the groove of each end cap. Let sealant dry
before use
or further installation.