offers two main views:
1. “Game list view” for managing games
2. “Board view” for making moves
Game list view
Board views
Making moves
Current Player
The name of the player whose turn it is to move is highlighted and a clock below that
Player's name starts to run. When it is the turn of a human player, a cursor also appears on
the board. Moves alternate between players with the computer opponent taking its turn
Making moves
Use the arrow keys or multi-way jog dial to move the cursor around the board. Once the
cursor has reached the piece you wish to move use the space or enter keys to select the
piece. Use the arrow keys or multi-way jog dial to move the selected piece around the
board. Press the space or enter keys to place the piece once you have reached the desired
destination square.
If the phone has a touch sensitive screen you may simply drag the pieces between squares.