© Copyright 2003-2006 ZingMagic Limited
All rights reserved. This documentation and the software referred to are copyrighted works
of ZingMagic Limited, England. Reproduction in whole or part by any means whatsoever
without the express written permission of ZingMagic Limited is prohibited. Reverse
engineering is also prohibited. The information in this document is subject to change
without notice. ZingMagic Limited accepts no liability for loss or consequential loss from
misuse or any defect or failure of the programs howsoever arising. Under the terms of the
license agreement, the purchaser is allowed to copy applications to combine applications
onto one disk, provided the software is installed on only one computer at any one time.
Symbian OS is trademark of Symbian Ltd. Graffiti, HotSync and Palm OS are trademarks of
Palm Computing Inc., 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. PocketPC and Windows CE are
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ZingMagic Limited acknowledges other references may
be registered trademarks belonging to third parties.
Contact Information
ZingMagic is a leading developer of entertainment and lifestyle applications for Mobile,
Wireless and PDA devices.
At the time of writing ZingMagic has a significant application portfolio including but not
limited to:
Four In A Line
Chinese Chess
For a variety of devices including but not limited to
Windows PocketPC devices
PalmOS devices
Symbian Series 60 and Series 80 devices
Symbian UIQ devices
For up to date information on our current product portfolio, contact us at:
For technical support, please contact: