Example for MODBUS connection
The data line must be conducted from one device to the next. No other type of wiring is allowed!
Always use only two wires of one lead (twisted pair) for the connection.
Recommended wire types
1. CAT5 / CAT7 cables
2. J-Y (St) 2x2x0.6 (telephone cable)
3. AWG22 (2x2 twisted pair)
Max allowed wire length 1000 m (CAT5/7 500 m).
The use of shielded cables is normally not needed but o
ers high protection against
electromagnetic interferences, especially high frequencies. However, the e
of the shield depends on careful installation of the line.
If shielded cables are used, the shield should be placed at
on at least one side
(preferably on the master connection). The occurrence of compensating currents may
have to be considered if the shield is contacted on both sides.
Shield connection correct
Shield connection incorrect
Assembly instructions
Electrical installation
L-BAL-F056-GB 2022/45 Index 005
Part.-No. 00700562-GB