Requirements of Faces
Make sure that the face is clean and forehead is not covered by hair.
Do not wear glasses, hats, heavy beards, or other face ornaments that influence face image
With eyes open, without facial expressions, and make your face toward the center of camera.
When recording your face or during face recognition, do not keep your face too close to or too
far from the camera.
Appendix Figure 4-2 Head position
Appendix Figure 4-3 Face distance
When importing face images through the management platform, make sure that image
resolution is within the range 150 × 300 pixels–600 × 1200 pixels; image pixels are more than 500
× 500 pixels; image size is less than 100 KB, and image name and person ID are the same.
Make sure that the face takes up more than 1/3 but no more than 2/3 of the whole image area,
and the aspect ratio does not exceed 1:2.