Zero Emission Vehicles Australia
Motor Controller Assembly Manual
• The thermistor (temperature sensor) comes with short fly leads which need to be extended by
about 20mm - something like the picture below.
• Add a little thermal paste to the thermistor’s eyelet then it fasten to the heat block in
horizontal orientation using an M3x6 machine screw with M3 washer under the screw head.
The two wires can then be soldered to the location labelled TEMP on the interface board.
• Attach a 40mm piece of double-sided foam tape to the underside of the logic board, along
the side opposite the pin headers. Fit the logic board pins into the interface board, press down
to stick the foam tape to the capacitors below, then solder the pin headers to the logic board.
• The power input, CAN bus and throttle connections are wired to a 4- and 5-pin connector
on the motor-end panel. Fit the two connectors to the end panel, ensuring you include the
spring washer to prevent them loosening, and optionally add a drop of thin superglue to the
washer/nut. Looking at the front of the panel, the 5-pin connector should be on the right. You
will need 8 wires, 95mm in length, preferably four different colours. About AWG24 is
recommended, but it’s not too important (current requirement is very small).
• There is also a 5mm RGB LED for showing status. Trim the LED’s legs off at about 6mm
length, splay the legs out a little to make soldering easier, and attach a 70mm length of
rainbow wire (or similar) to the legs. The pin order should be the same on the LED as the logic
board, but you’ll need to verify which end is which on the LED using a multimeter set to diode
test mode. A picture of the panel with connectors and wires is shown below. (Note:
Your end
panel may be different of course if you are making your own custom enclosure.)