Remember not to have any BMS module’s wiring harness span any auxiliary contactor (or
maintenance switch), or the BMS module becomes the only conduction path for the traction
circuit when the contactor opens, which exposes the module to damaging voltages!
EVMS Monitor
The EVMS Monitor is used to remotely interact with other devices on the CAN bus, both
for viewing operating data and to edit settings. The Monitor has various different pages of
information as described below.
EVMS: Running
Aux V Temp Isol SoC
13.5V 25C 100% 90%
The main display, showing EVMS status at the top,
instantaneous voltage, current, power, auxiliary
battery voltage, temperature, isolation, and State of
Charge (SoC).
Touching the left or right half of the display will swap
to the previous or next display page respectively.
EVMS: Running
Pack Voltage Temperature
Aux voltage Isolation
148V 25˚C
13.5V 100%
If no current sensor is present on the CAN bus, the
EVMS is unable to show current or calculate power or
state of charge, so a different page is shown with only
pack voltage, temperature, aux voltage, isolation, and
a bar graph of all individual cell voltages.
BMS Summary: 45 cells
Avg voltage Avg temp
Min voltage Max voltage
M0 C4 M2 C8
3.32V 28˚C
3.31V 3.33V
BMS summary page, showing the total number of
cells being monitored, the average voltage per cell,
the average of any BMS temperature sensors, and the
voltage and location of both the lowest and highest
cells. M is Module ID, C is the cell number.
Along the bottom is a graph of all cell voltages. Green
bars indicate cells within range. Bars will change to
blue for undervoltage cells, orange for cells being
balanced, and red for overvoltage cells.
BMS Details: Module 1
Cell voltages
3.323 3.336 3.321 3.317
3.332 3.316 3.327 3.323
3.318 3.322 3.331 3.327
Temp1: 23˚C Temp2: 25˚C
Prev Next
Detailed information for a single BMS module,
showing voltage of each cell (to 3 decimal places) and
two temperatures if available. Orange bars beneath
the voltages indicate if cell shunts are currently on.
Tap the Prev or Next buttons to change which BMS
module is being viewed, or anywhere else in the
display to change Monitor pages as usual.
TC Charger Status
Output Volts Output Amps
Target Volts Target Amps
Charger Status: OK
149V 19.4A
154V 20.0A
If a TC Charger is present on the CAN bus, it will be
autodetected and a new page of data made available
on the Monitor showing charger’s output voltage and
current, the target voltage and current being requested
by the EVMS, and the charger status at the bottom.
MC600C Status
Batt Volts Batt Amps
Motor Volts Motor Amps
Temp Throttle
Status OK
149V 150A
75V 300A
42˚C 60%
If a ZEVA motor controller is present on the CAN bus,
it will be autodetected and a new page of data made
available on the Monitor showing battery voltage,
battery current (into the motor controller only),
motor voltage, motor current, the controller’s internal
temperature, the current throtttle position, and the
status at the bottom.
Charge ended by BMS
If the EVMS detects an error, a warning page will
be displayed. In most cases, the error can be
acknowledged/reset by pressing Select. Some critical
errors can not be dismissed until the error condition
is corrected.
For a full list of errors you might see, please refer to
section Error Detection.