ZXCT1041 EV1
Zdb341R2. 26-Feb-07
ZXCT1041 EV1 User Guide Rev2
Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of ZXCT1041EV1
Sense resistor
The board has been designed with two selectable values of sense resistor. The value of the sense resistor can be
chosen by using the solder links SL1 and SL2.
The board is also tracked for a user defined through hole resistor (R3).
The 100m
resistor (R1) is selected by shorting SL1 and opening SL2. This results in an output of 1.5V for a load
current of 1.5A (assuming that R3 is not fitted).
The 25m
resistor (R2) is selected by shorting SL2 and opening SL1, resulting in an output of 1.5A for a load current
of 6A (assuming that R3 is not fitted).
If both links are shorted the effective resistance is20m
giving an output of 1.5V for a current of 7.5A (assuming
that R3 is not fitted).
If both links are open only the optional leaded resistor R3 (if fitted ) is in circuit.
The maximum power dissipation rating of the resistor must be appropriate to the load current level.
N.B. The board is set by default with SL1 shorted and SL2 open, using the 100m
For further information on choosing a value of sense resistor please refer to the ZXCT1041 datasheet .
If the preset selectable values of sense resistor are chosen, the device will output 1.5V for a 1.5A load current and
1.25V for a 5.0A load current. The output is directly proportional to the differential voltage across the sense pins of
the device. The ZXCT1041 will output the same voltage for current flow in either direction, but the level of the Flag
output will change.