Electrical Specifications:
Supply Voltage. 10.2 to 40 VDC
Supply Current. 3.5mA (constant current)
in all operational states
Constant Current. 17mA (constant current)
in fast commissioning
Environmental Specifications:
Temperature. -10°C to +55°C
Humidity. 10 to 95% RH Non-condensing
Protection Index. IP65 when suitably
mounted and terminated
Mechanical Specifications:
Beam Head.
180mmH x 155mmW x137mmD
Weight 1.1Kg
185mmH x 120mmW x 62mmD
Weight 0.55g
40KIT80 Mid-Range Reflector.
293mmH x293mmW x 5mmD
Weight 0.8Kg
80KIT100 Long Range Reflector.
394mmH x 394mmW x 5mmD
Weight 1.8Kg
270mmH x 250mmW x 5mmD
Weight 0.6g
(mounts the Beam Head onto unistrut)
Optical Specifications:
Optical Wavelength. 870nm
Maximum Angular Alignment. ±5°
Maximum Angular Misalignment.
(static not auto-aligning)
Beam Head ±0.3° Reflector ±2°
Operational Specifications:
Protection Range:
Standard Product 5 to 40 metres
Mid-Range Reflector Kit 40 to 80 metres
Long Range Reflector Kit 80 to 100 metres
Alarm Sensitivity Levels:
25%(1.25dB) to 50%(3dB) in 1%(0.05dB)
increments (default 35% (1.87dB))
Alarm Condition:
Obscuration drops to below pre-defined
sensitivity level.
Time to Alarm Condition adjustable
2 to 30 seconds in 1 second increments
(default 10 seconds)
Alarm Indication:
Controller Status – FIRE
Controller Red Flashing LED
Head Red Flashing LED
Alarm Relay Change Over (CO) Contact
Rating 2A @ 30 VDC
Test/Reset Features:
Beam test function by controller
Alarm latching/auto-reset selectable
(default auto-reset)
Alarm reset in latching mode by controller reset
function, removing power for >5 seconds, apply 12 to 24
VDC to reset connections in Beam Head.
Fault Sensitivity Level:
Fault Condition:
Obscuration drops to below the fault
sensitivity level within 1 second
Power Down or Supply Voltage < 9 VDC
Commissioning modes, Pre-Alignment
and Auto Alignment
Beam turned off during Beam Maintenance Time to Fault
Condition adjustable,
2 to 60 seconds in 1 second increments
(default 10 seconds)
Fault Indication:
Controller Status – FAULT
Controller Yellow Flashing LED 1 Second
Head Yellow Flashing LED 1 Second
Fault Relay Change Over (CO) Contact
Rating 2A @ 30 VDC
Normal Condition:
Obscuration level is above the
Alarm sensitivity level
Controller Status – NORMAL
Controller Green Flashing LED
Programmable on/off
Head Green Flashing LED
Programmable on/off
Auto-align/Beam Contamination
Auto-align during normal operation if obscuration drops
below 90% for the duration of the align time set (doesn’t
effect normal operating mode).
Beam Contamination Compensation 4 hour monitoring.
Compensation data available at the controller
technical specifications