Zesto Audio 2016 Page #10
If the volume is louder on one channel then the other, you may want to try switching the back tubes around with
the unit
Turned Off.
Use the white glove provided and switch the back tubes only left to right, not the front tubes.
Tube Rolling (The Sport of Audiophile Kings)
The 12AX7 input tubes closest to the back/curve are the most sensitive and effective to tube roll.
Only a 12AX7/ECC83s type will work and we recommend that it is high gain/ low noise tube.
The unit is designed around the JJ ECC83s because they are neutral, consistent and are high gain/low noise.
If your tastes are warmer, you may want to try Mullard’s and if you like it brighter try GE.
We cannot recommend any specific NOS tubes, as no 2 are the same. We prefer to encourage personal taste,
trusting your ears and enjoying the sport.
Any damage caused by tube rolling will not be covered under the warranty.
Tube Rush Noise
If you are hearing this noise it is most likely a gain setting is too high on the input of the Line Amp.
Power cord
The Andros is not particularly sensitive to power cords.
No Balanced outputs
The decision was based purely on cost not to include balanced outputs, as there is not enough sonic
difference between single ended and balanced in this application to warrant the increased cost. As a
manufacturer, balanced outputs would require 2 more transformers, 2 more tubes, all the associated
circuitry and a change to the design and size of the case, which would increase the cost of this
phonostage significantly.
Balanced-in verses single ended inputs
The Andros has a built in step up transformer, so it’s a very nice option to provide both balanced and
single ended inputs. In this particular application there is no sonic difference, but a high convenience
Leaving the equipment on
The filament on the tube will burn out quicker if switched on and off more often.
The tube will wear out quicker if it’s left on all the time. There is no clear choice which is preferred.