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P a g e
Grounding switches apply to the XLR Balanced inputs only.
The grounding switches do not affect the RCA Single Ended inputs.
If you have XLR inputs, start with both ground switches down or off.
The ground switches work independently. You can adjust them for the least amount of
Example: Right channel up, left channel down.
Right channel down, left channel up.
Right channel up, left channel up
Right channel down, left channel down
Turn it on
Turn on the power amp using the ON/OFF switch located on the front right logo plate. The
amber LED indicates low voltage, and the green LED indicates high voltage. Both lights will
go on together and will remain illuminated while the unit is on. The eight tubes should start
Tube electronics should not be turned ON, then OFF, then ON again
quickly. This could blow a fuse. Once the unit is ON, it is safe to wait a minute (60
seconds or until both LED lights on the front panel have been on for a few seconds)
before switching OFF, then another 60 seconds or until both LED lights on the front panel
have been off for a few seconds, before you can turn it back on. If you blow a fuse replace
with the same slow blow fuse located in the drawer like compartment in the IEC mains
When you first turned on the Bia 200 there will be a brief inrush of power (your lights
may dim for an instant). After that, the amp draws a lot less power.
The unit is ready to listen to within a few minutes after powering up, however for best
performance allow at least 30 minutes of warm up.
For the best performance, this Vacuum Tube Amplifier can take 200 hours to break in. For
circuit testing and quality assurance, Zesto Audio ships all the Bia 200 Select Amps with at
least 50 hours of factory burn-in.