b. Solder the white wire to Pin 2 (36).
c. Solder the red wire to Pin 3 (36).
d. Solder the ground wire to Pin 1 (37).
4. Reassemble the Jack:
a. Slide the strain relief up to the pin insert. Make sure the key on the insert is aligned with the
key on the strain relief.
b. Carefully line up the keys on the insert and relief with the slot in the housing--it is opposite the
rectangular hole. Gently press the pin insert and strain relief into the housing (38). Be very
careful not to disturb your nice new solder connections.
c. Screw on the tailpiece (39).
You have completed all the steps that are common to all Cortado configurations. As you continue, look
for the sections particular to your project: Standard contact Mic, Tin Can Mic, Instrument Pickup.