b. ISP headers: Next, we’ll install the In-System Programmer (ISP) headers. This is a 2x3 header
array that enables the Altura to be “flashed” or programmed with new software.
Break two pieces of three pins each from the remaining row of headers. Place each of them
in the ISP position on the PCB. The short pins go through the board; the long pins point up.
Make sure the bottom of the headers are flat against the circuit board (5). Tack one pin on
each row down with solder while you hold the header in from the top (6). Once each row
has been tacked on, you can solder the other pins in place (7). Remember to properly re-
solder the “tacked on” pins.
2. 220uF Electrolytic Capacitor (C1)
This electrolytic capacitor (aka “cap”) IS POLARIZED: there is a right way and a wrong way to
install it. If you get it wrong, the cap might burst. The white stripe on the case indicates the
negative lead of the cap. Notice that one of the leads is longer than the other. The long lead on