Technical Support:
Internal errors:
when enabling this option, two new communication objects
appear: "Internal error", 1-bit object and "Type of internal error", 1-byte object.
The first one indicates if an internal error has occurred (value "1": there is an
error, value "0": there is not). The second object indicates the code that
identifies the error (numerical value between 1 and 4. See Table 1. Type of
External errors:
when enabling this option, two new communication objects
appear: "External Error" and "Type of external error". The first one indicates if
an external error has occurred (value "1": there is an error, value "0": there is
not). The second object indicates the code that identifies the error (see the
specific manual of the A/C unit installed).
This functionality allows configuring the initial statuses of the A/C machine after the
installation or a power failure. This configuration can be default or custom. If a custom
configuration is chosen, the window of the Figure 10 will be shown.
Figure 10.
Initial configuration window.
The variables than can be initialized are the following:
last (the status the machine had before the power failure; after the
first installation, this status will be OFF), ON or OFF.
Last or custom (a new field appears to establish the new initial