Technical Support:
This option allows switching off the A/C machine temporarily if a status change (from
value "0" to value "1") in the associated communication object happens ("Auto-OFF").
Figure 8.
Auto OFF configuration.
The following parameters can be configured:
Delay for Auto-OFF:
to establish the time, in seconds, KLIC-DD waits before
automatically switching off the A/C machine.
Flexibility enabled?:
when enabling this parameter ("Yes"), it will be possible
to restore the unit control although it is in auto off mode: ("Auto-OFF"=1). If this
option is disabled, the unit cannot be controlled after an auto-off order and it
will remain inactive until the object "Auto-OFF" has the value "0".
The errors management window allows enabling sending messages to the bus indicating
any error that may arise: internal errors of the communication between KLIC-DD and the
A/C unit, or external errors (errors in the own A/C unit).
Figure 9.
Errors management configuration window.
The detection of internal, external or both types of errors can be enabled: