With the wing upside down on the workbench rivet the bottom side of the Nose Skin. Turn the
wing over to strap down the top side of the Nose Skin.
The bottom side of the Leading Edge is riveted first.
: 6SV3-4
: a) Mark the center line of the Leading Edge radius. For 8feet skins cut to fit with
the edge flush with the aft edge of the spar, the center is at 411mm (dl=947) and
at 232mm at the tip (dl=232) connect with a straight line.
b) Mark the FRONT of each Nose Rib by holding a large carpenter square on the
flat bottom of the Rib to mark the tangent point as the FRONT of the Nose
c) From the FRONT mark on the Nose Rib make another mark at 40mm along
the bottom curvature of the Nose Rib.
: With the wing upside down, support the trailing edge with the spacer in Step 17
: a) Let the Nose Skin overhangs the bottom I/B end of the Main spar by 20mm.
b) Clamp the aft edge of the skin even with the rear of the Spar Extrusion.
The 40mm line on the Nose Ribs lines up with the Leading Edge center line.
: a) Extend the rive line of the Rear Ribs to the Nose Skin.
b) Remove the Skin to mark the rivet pitch, approximately 40mm
: Layout the rivet pitch directly on the rib flange, the first hole is at 10mm from
the end of the rib; the maximum distance between rivets is 40mm: if necessary add an extra rivet
to adjust for even rivet spacing to avoid the crimps. Clamp a strip even with the rear of the
spar extrusion, transfer the rivet spacing from the rib to the strip. Remove and clamp the strip
flush with the aft edge of the skin to transfer the rivet spacing to the skin. Repeat for each rib.
Pre-drill the skin with #40 pilot holes.
: Clamp the pre-drill bottom side to the Spar. Adjust the position of
the Nose Rib to line up the flange center line with the pre-drilled holes.
Strap the Nose Skin over the Ribs.
: Use an 8 ft. 2x4 to push the Skin down on the Ribs, place the straps directly overtop
the 2x4 and underneath the workbench to keep the wing from moving. Before tightening the
strops, slide a 2x4 block on Rear Zee bottom flange to keep the strap clear of the Rear Zee
bottom flange. Position one strap by each Rib.
: Extend the Rear Rib rivet line to the Nose Skin. Mark the aft edge
of the Nose Skin on the Rear Skin to reference the rivet pitch template. Remove the straps to
layout the rivet pitch on the Nose Skin. Pre-drill with pilot holes.
: Strap down the Nose Skin, add the spacer underneath the Rear Zee and
drill the Ribs when the flange center line is visible.
If the work bench is not level, slide two parallel beams underneath the wing
assembly at Rib #6 and #9 (perpendicular to the Main spar). Level the beams and add the 22
and 25mm spacers between the beam and the Rear Zee. If the wing is resting on the rivets, add
2mm to spacer to compensate for the rivet head.
Run the strap underneath the table and over the wing to secure the wing to
the workbench.
: The difference in the height of the spacers at the Rear Zee between Rib #9 Rib #6 is