2.7 Remote Start Button
2+ sec
Successful Remote Start
Failed Remote Start
If Button
is pressed for 2+ seconds while remote start is on, remote start will turn
off. The default remote start engine running time is 15 minutes. The time can be
changed through the User Programmable Options.
Do not use the remote start feature if the vehicle is in an enclosed area.
Do not use the remote start feature where laws prevent its usage. Do
not turn the key to the Start position or else damage may be done to the
starter motor. Ensure that the parking brake (emergency brake) is
always engaged. Do not use the remote start feature with convertible
and/or open concept cars such as utility vehicles.
Remote Control
& will blink until remote start is
turned off. 1 beep will occur if the main
control module communicates with the
remote control. 5 beeps will occur after
remote start is successful.
1 parking light flash & 1 siren chirp if the
main control module communicates with the
remote control. 5 parking light flashes & 5
siren chirps after remote start is successful.
Reason for Failure
Key at ON Position
1 parking light flash & 1 siren
3 beeps
Open Door
3 parking light flashes & 3
siren chirps
3 beeps
Open Hood and/or
4 parking light flashes & 4
siren chirps
3 beeps
Failed Remote Start
Reservation for Manual
Transmission Vehicles
7 parking light flashes & 7
siren chirps
3 beeps