change folder
The operation is the same as disc mode.
repeat plaYBacK
The operation is the same as disc mode.
random plaYBacK
The operation is the same as disc mode.
intro plaYBacK
The operation is the same as disc mode.
direct search
The operation is the same as disc mode.
goto search
The operation is the same as disc mode.
Zoom in/out
The operation is the same as disc mode.
rotate picture
The operation is the same as disc mode.
plaYBacK information
The operation is the same as disc mode.
select usB as plaYing source
Open the SOuRCE mEnu and then touch the uSb icon.
The unit switches to uSb mode once an uSb device has been inserted.
The unit supports hot swap.
uSb storage devices formatted with FAT 16/32 are supported by this player, but not nTFS
touch screen controls
The operation is the same as disc mode.
onscreen control Buttons
Onscreen control buttons under SD/uSb mode are the same as disc mode.
suspend plaYBacK
The operation is the same as disc mode.
stop plaYBacK
The operation is the same as disc mode.
displaY file list
The operation is the same as disc mode.
fast plaYBacK
The operation is the same as disc mode.
The operation is the same as disc mode.