Installation Manual BM-11-401 Mount
Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice and do not constitute any liability whatsoever.
Zemic Europe B.V.
T: +31 76 50 39480
Nr. 2021.10 Installation Manual BM-11-401 Rev2
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Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Then rotate the upper nut (pos. 7) counter clockwise by 1/2 turn at a time until the full load is
taken by the load cell. Gradually apply the load to the load cell. This is done by lowering the
upper nut underneath the top plate one-by-one with small steps. This way no exceptional high
forces are introduced to the mounts or the load cells.
For safety reasons, always use a tool to align the load pin if necessary during this process.
Check the free movement of the mount and its installation height, whether the socket head
counter sunk bolts are touching the application or not and the free movement of the top plate
If the installation height is correct, the bolts are not touching the application and the top plate is free to
move, then the assembly is ready to be used in the installation.
Technical Specifications BM-11-401 Mount
Maximum vertical force (down)
10 kN
30 kN
Maximum vertical force (up)
5 kN
10 kN
Maximum horizontal force
5 kN
15 kN
Maximum horizontal movement
+1 / -1 mm
+1 / -1 mm