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The machine suddenly stops 

working during use.

It may be that the machine runs 

too long, or the ambient tempe-

rature is too high, resulting in the 

machine’s motor temperature be-

ing too high; the machine starts the 

overheating protection program, 

automatic shutdown.

Gear reset to “0”, unplug the 

power, wait for the machine to 

return to room temperature can be 

restarted (generally need 15-30 

minutes, the room temperature 

varies cooling time).

Turning the gear knob machine 

does not run

Check if the plug is in good contact 

with the socket.

Verify that the power plug is plug-

ged into the outlet

Check if the power is out.

Wait for power before operating

Check if the rise button spring 

back in place.

Make sure the headstock is stuck 

in place.

Excessive noise when the machine 

is running

1 The machine will work louder in 

high gear than in low gear.
2 The amount of food stirred is too 

large, resulting in overloading the 

3 Voltage is unstable.
4 Working time is too long.

1 Choose the right gear to stir food 

according to the recommendations 

in the manual
2 Reduce the amount of stirring.
3 If the voltage is unstable, wait 

for the voltage to stabilize before 

4 If the working time is too long, 

stop and cool down for a while 

before using.

The machine speed drops, or the 

speed is unstable

1 Whether the room temperature 

is low, causing the lubricant in the 

machine to harden.
2 The ingredients stirred are too 

hard and too much, resulting in too 

much load on the machine.
3 Whether the voltage suddenly 

becomes low.

1 Remove the mixing bowl and let 

the machine idle for 5 minutes to 

soften the lubricant in the machine 

and restore the speed stability.
2 Reduce the mixing volume and 

let the machine work according to 

the normal workload.
3 When the voltage is stable, use 

the machine again.

Machine swaying and shaking 

when working

1 Check if the foot pad on the base 

is off.
2 Whether the machine is placed 

on a smooth and flat countertop 

for use.

1 Check if the foot pad on the base 

is off.
2 Place on a smooth and flat coun-

tertop for use

The headstock can’t spring back 

to reset after putting on the an-

ti-splash cover and mixing bowl

Check that the anti-splash cover 

is in place and the mixing bowl is 


Rotate the anti-splash cover and 

assemble it in place, and assemble 

the mixing pot in place.

Dough darkening found after use

Black powder falls onto the dough 

at the mixing head.

Please check that the mixing head 

and hook are dry and that no water 

or dust is present on the surface 

before use.

Содержание ZKR1300W

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Страница 57: ...lub za po rednictwem adresu e mail dzialfinansowy zelmer pl 20 Po up ywie okresu gwarancji Autoryzowany Serwis Zelmer mo e dokona odp atnej naprawy gwarancyjnej Koszt naprawy jest ustalany indywidual...

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Страница 64: ...05 2022 WWW ZELMER COM SERIES ZKR MOD ZKR1300W 220 240V 50 60Hz 1300W Typ SM 1531N Made in China B B TRENDS S L C Catalu a 24 P I Ca N Oller 08130 Santa Perp tua de Mogoda Barcelona Spain...
