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 Z O





disclaims all liability for damages that may occur to people, animals or objects, 

for the non-observance of these warnings.

Before the first use

Before using the Steam Station, please ensure you read the user manual and understand all parts and 

features of the Steam Station.  Be sure to remove any packaging material and labels before using for the 

first time. 
In the first use they can break off odors or fumes that sent quickly. Do not spray for the first time on 

clothes and there may be traces of dirt on the soleplate.

Water to be used

The device is designed for use with tap water. If the water in your area is hard or semi-hard use mix 

tap water with distilled or demineralized water purchased in stores, in the ratio 2:1 and 1:1 respectively 

(distilled water: tap water). Check with your water supplier to determine the type of water in your area. 

Never use 100% distilled or demineralized, rain water, softened water, scented water, water from other 

appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, dryers or other types of home water preparation water.

Filling the Water Tank  

Remove the water tank from the station and fill it through the water inlet cover. Do NOT fill over the MAX 

level indicator.
Make sure when placing it back to the station that it fits correctly.


NB: If it is the first time you have steam-ironed or if the product has not been used for some time, 

turn the temperature control to a steam ironing position and press the steam button continuously 

until steam comes out. This process can take a few minutes.

Place the Steam Station on a firm level table, bench or ironing board. 
Plug the unit into a power outlet and switch on at the power point. 
Adjust the temperature dial in terms of choose the kind of fabrics that you want to iron. 
Note: If you want to use the steam ironing, we suggest you to adjust the temperature dial on MAX.
When the iron operating light indicator goes out the device will be ready for use.
Note: During the whole operating time, the iron operating light indicator will go on and off in erratic 

intervals, this is normal.
To make the steam jet come out, select the steam position with the steam selector and press the steam 

trigger, and if you want to stop the steam release the steam trigger, in a few seconds steam will stop.
Select the steam setting by pressing and holding the steam button. The steam setting can be switched 

off at any time by releasing the steam button.  Push the steam locker with continues steamer without 

pressing the steam button.

Ironing Tips  

Start with the fabrics to be ironed at a low temperature and finish with those that need higher 

For mixed fibre fabric, set the ironing temperature to a lower setting. 
For woollen garments, press the steam trigger repeatedly over the garment without physically touching it 

with the iron. 
For thicker fabrics, raise the iron temperature at MAX position. 

Содержание ZIR2415

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Страница 7: ...ez wk adu zmi kczaj cego wod 1 Wyj zbiornik wody ze stacji 2 Poci gn wk ad antywapienny i wyj go do wymiany W celu wyj cia wk adu odkr ci go i ostro nie wyj go na zewn trz Od czy przew d od wk adu i p...

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Страница 11: Any incorrect use or improper handling of the product shall render the warranty null and void Prior to plugging in the product check that your mains voltage is the same as the one indicated on the...

Страница 12: ...eam ironed or if the product has not been used for some time turn the temperature control to a steam ironing position and press the steam button continuously until steam comes out This process can tak...

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Страница 19: ...elle als B gelleitfaden Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Anleitung zur Temperatureinstellung f r unterschiedliche Stoffarten sowie die empfohlene B gelmethode Markierung Material zum Beispiel 1 Punkt Acet...

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Страница 21: ...emperatur der Basisplatte Wei e Streifen kommen aus den L chern in der Basisplatte Das Produkt weist Kalkablagerungen auf da die Anti Kalk Kartusche nicht regelm ig ausgetauscht wurde Tauschen Sie die...

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Страница 29: ...jac k bel 13 Filter proti tvorbe vodn ho kame a BEZPE NOSTN POKYNY Tento spotrebi m u pou va deti vo veku od 8 rokov a osoby so zn en mi fyzick mi zmyslov mi alebo ment lnymi schopnos ami alebo nedost...

Страница 30: ...n alebo priemyseln ely Ak ko vek nespr vne pou itie alebo nespr vne zaobch dzanie s v robkom m za n sledok stratu platnosti z ruky Pred zapojen m v robku skontrolujte i je va e sie ov nap tie rovnak a...

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Страница 38: ...attan sig A g z llom s haszn lat hoz a sz ll t st megk nny t foganty t vissza kell hajtani az alapegys gre a foganty t kiold gombot nyomva tartva hajtsa vissza vatosan a foganty t a hely re Tiszt t s...

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Страница 44: ...nsportarea u oar ata at la unitatea de baz poate fi utilizat pentru a transporta sta ia cu abur cu u urin Pentru a face acest lucru ridica i l printr o singur mi care n sus p n c nd face clic pe pozi...

Страница 45: ...fier este suficient de fierbinte sau cre te temperatura pl cii D re albe se scurg din g urile din talp Produsul are o cantitate mai mare de tartru deoarece cartu ul anti calc nu a fost schimbat n mod...

Страница 46: ...E de euri de echipamente electrice i electronice asigur cadrul legal aplicabil n Uniunea European pentru eliminarea i reutilizarea de eurilor de echipamente electrice i electronice Nu arunca i acest p...

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Страница 60: ...60 PL BG 2012 19...

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