LSM 880
Notes on Handling the Laser Components and Illumination Systems
11/2014 V_05
When using a high power broadband illumination (HBO, X-Cite, HXP) in combination with a
neutral density reflector module, or in combination with a reflectorized object slide and
reflector modules without excitation filter and emission filter in the incident light path, there are
operating conditions which lead to strong reflections of excitation light and strong optical
radiation into the eyepiece. According to regulations for radiation load the maximal values are
below the permissible threshold, and do not lead in all probability to any permanent irritation of
the eyes, also because the natural averting reaction limits the exposure to the bright light.
Nevertheless we recommend not looking through the eyepiece when using the described setup
and when rotating the reflector turret. Especially, we do not recommend the use of the
reflector turret controls located on the microscope stand, since this leads to an observation
position close to the eyepiece. Instead, use the TFT-Touch screen or the LSM software to switch
the reflector turret. In case the reflector turret has to be rotated by hand avoid looking into the
eyepiece while doing so.
For the NLO system equipped with a specific push and click filter for NDD imaging be aware
that the NDD reflector cube in the reflector turret leads to a strong back reflection of HBO light
into the specimen plane and the eyepiece. When observing the specimen through the ocular
lens the use of the NDD reflector cube should be avoided. The light flash is not harmful but
unpleasant. The reflex of closing the eyelid is sufficiently protective.
Notes on the fiber used with the laser module UV (355 nm)
This component is a wear part and needs special handling to protect it from damage, e.g. don’t use the
maximum power level of the laser together with max. AOM transmission for dye excitation. For ROI
photo manipulation, elevated power levels should only be used for short time. Such laser powers are not
useful from an applicative point of view too, since photo damage might occur to biological tissue.
A replacement fiber can be ordered at your local ZEISS sales or service representative using order #
000000-1870-253 (UV-Fiber, packed). The replacement fiber must be installed by a ZEISS service
representative. We recommend to replace the fiber when the power is decreasing by more than 25 %.