Congratulations again and have fun!
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland,
Ireland, The Netherland, Italy, Spain,
Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom,
Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland
Made in the Philippines
The following is a listing of replacement parts and
accessories available for the Laser radio series from your hobby dealer.
A. TX Antenna (#58005)
B. Neck strap (#58311)
C. Trainer cord (#58310)
D. Switch harness (#57215S)
E. Heavy duty gold pin switch harness (#54407)
F. Stick extensions (#56381)
G. Flight Preserver (#58480)
4. Replacement Parts & Accessories
- Always turn your transmitter on first and off last.
- Never fly your airplane without first performing a proper range check.
- FCC regulation in the USA prohibits consumers from changing the crystal in the transmitter.
For channel changes send your system to an authorized service/repair center.
- Never fly around or over houses, people or power lines.
- Always charge your batteries before you fly.
- It's a good idea to check your receiver batteries with a tester like the Hitec
Power Mate II (part# 44110). This will verify the charge level in your receiver batteries.
- Always fly responsibly and respect the rights of others.
- Make sure your frequency is clear before turning on your system.
5. Precautions
Zebra 4 FM Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual