1.1. These instructions for installation of anchors and straps do not
require a person to enter the hole while installing the anchor straps.
They supplement the Anchoring Tanks Section of the Xerxes Installa-
tion Manual and Operating Guidelines (subsequently referred to as
“Installation Manual”).
1.2. Before beginning the tank installation and installing tank hold-
down straps, read through the entire Installation Manual. Installation
instructions are also laminated onto each tank.
1.3. It is the responsibility of the owner, installer and operator to
comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, codes and
safety precautions.
1.4. It is important to follow the procedures and instructions in the
Installation Manual in order to safely and properly install a Xerxes
underground storage tank and accessories. Failure to follow those
instructions will void the tank warranty and may cause tank failure,
death, serious personal injury or property damage.
1.5. Xerxes must authorize, in writing and prior to tank installation,
any variation to, or deviation from, the Installation Manual and the
Man-Out-of-Hole Straps Instructions.
1.6. All correspondence regarding variations must be retained for
any warranty claim to be valid.
1.7. If you have questions or encounter situations not covered in
these installation instructions, contact technical support at Xerxes
Minneapolis, 952-887-1890.
Failure to follow this document’s instructions on proper place-
ment of hold-down straps, deadmen and anchor slabs may
damage the tank, cause property damage and void the tank
2.1. Hold-Down Straps
2.1.1. Only Xerxes straps may be used when anchoring a Xerxes
2.1.2. The only allowed locations for hold-down straps on each tank
are marked on the tank by the arrowhead symbols
2.1.3. Straps must be used on all marked hold-down locations.
Do not place straps between ribs (except on 4-foot-diameter
tanks). Failure to properly place straps may result in tank
2.2. Backfill Material
2.2.1. Xerxes tanks must be installed with backfill material as de-
scribed in the Backfill Material Section of the Installation Manual.
2.2.2. Using other than approved backfill material without prior writ-
ten authorization from Xerxes will void the tank warranty.
2.3. Deadmen
2.3.1. Align the deadmen with the tank. If using Xerxes deadmen, align (within a tolerance of ±1
inch) all anchor points with the marked arrowhead symbols
the tank. If using deadmen other than Xerxes deadmen, check align-
ment of all anchor points to insure that they are within a tolerance of
±1 inch.
Note: The anchor point must be a minimum of 3 inches over
the top of the deadmen to accommodate the strap hook. Always provide sufficient clearance to allow the deadmen to
be set outside of the tank “shadow.” See Tank Spacing subsection
in the Excavation Parameters section of the Installation Manual. (See
FIGURE 2-1.) The top of the deadmen should be aligned to the bottom of
the tank.
2.3.3. Position the deadmen so they are parallel with the centerline
of the tank. (See FIGURE 2-2.)
2.3.4. Place backfill between deadmen, and level backfill so it is 12
inches deep.
2.3.5. When setting the tank, make sure that the tank is aligned with
the deadmen.
2.4. Anchor Slab
2.4.1. If an anchor slab is used, align (within a tolerance of ±1 inch)
the anchor points on the anchor slab with the marked arrowhead
on the tank.
Tank Shadow
MOH strap
Anchor Point
Figure 2-1
Strap hook
12” bed
Load binder
Figure 2-2
Man-Out-of-Hole (MOH)
Strap Instructions