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Copyright © 1975-2009 Zapi S.p.A.
All rights reserved
The contents of this publication is a ZAPI S.p.A. property; all related authorizations are covered
by Copyright. Any partial or total reproduction is prohibited.
Under no circumstances will Zapi S.p.A. be held responsible to third parties for damage caused
by the improper use of the present publication and of the device/devices described in it.
Zapi spa reserves the right to make changes or improvements to its products at any time and
without notice.
The present publication reflects the characteristics of the product described at the moment of
distribution. The publication therefore does not reflect any changes in the characteristics of the
product as a result of updating.
is a registered trademark property of Zapi S.p.A.
The symbol aboard is used inside this publication to indicate an annotation or a
suggestion you should pay attention.
The symbol aboard is used inside this publication to indicate an action or a
characteristic very important as for security. Pay special attention to the
annotations pointed out with this symbol.