ongratulations on your purchase of a ZAP
Electric Bike or Power System. In the com-
ing years you will find many ways to use
your ZAP — commuting, exercise, errands,
or simply for fun!
Welcome to the world of ZAP electric Bikes!
Is clean, non-polluting and in
traffic, faster than your car.
Costs only pennies in electricity.
For fresh air and
ZAP puts you at the forefront of a worldwide move-
ment in transportation. A ZAP Electric Bike is appro-
priate technology for many of the problems that face
our society today and in the years to come. Since vir-
tually all of the world’s one billion bicycles are upgrad-
able with a ZAP, it is truly an invention that can change
the world. The global population is increasing at an
alarming rate, and the future seems to promise only
more traffic congestion and air pollution. ZAP is an
entirely new transportation option that combines the
environmental friendliness of a bicycle and the conve-
nience of a gasoline vehicle without the pollution.
For just a few pennies of electricity, your ZAP can
replace you car for short trips; trips that make up most
of peoples’ daily transportation and cause most of our
air pollution.
Your ZAP can even be quicker than a car in some
instances. Leave your car at home and ride your ZAP!
Not only will you get more exercise, fresh air and
fun, but you can feel good because you are doing
something positive for the planet. Imagine that...all
this in one small, elegant ZAP bicycle system.
We have designed our electric bicycle system for
simple, easy installation and operation.
Keep in mind that improper installation and opera-
tion of the ZAP can reduce your performance and your
overall enjoyment, so before you start we strongly rec-
ommend the following: Familiarize yourself with your
owner’s manual. Carefully follow each step in the
installation to assure a proper fit and installation. Just
a little extra time reading your manual now can help
you avoid frustration in the future.
Our Customer Service department is available
between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. PST, Monday
through Friday at
(707) 824-4150
to help you with any
problems that may occur. You can also e-mail your
customer service questions 24 hours a day, seven
days a week to:
Once again, thank you for purchasing a ZAP. Our
hope is that you will like it so much, it will become your
favorite mode of transportation.