Setting up the MWP
The video below demonstrates how to set up the MWP unit including the layout of
the cables in the socket panel, and how to insert a well-plate into the chamber
with or without a stand.
Place the MWP unit on a stable surface close to a power socket and away
from disturbances.
Insert the 12V power supply cable into the top left side socket of the MWP
and plug it into the mains socket.
Connect the ethernet cable at the side of the MWP unit, just below the 12V
power cable, and plug this into any of the 4 slots available in the LAN
section of the router.
Side socket of MWP unit showing where to insert the green connector plugs and cables.
Bottom left the Ethernet cable plugs in; directly above it is the 12V power supply cable.
On the bottom board are two 2-way green, connector plugs. On the top green connection
board are the 4-way connector plug for the thermistor (left) and the 4-wire connector plug
for the overhead lights (right).