The Advanced Settings can be accessed by pressing and holding the Main Menu
button while powering on the display. The Advances Settings include:
• Door unlock time
• 1-10; 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99 s
• Gate status
• Normally open (NO)
• Normally closed (NC)
• Gate unlock time
• 0.2, 0.5, 1-5 s
• System type
• Single-family
• Multi-family
• Menu style
• 01 – Purple glare
02 – Win8
The System Type setting applies to the connector P1 of the display linked to Door 1.
1. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. grants a 24-month warranty for the goods it sells.
2. The warranty granted by ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. does not cover:
a) defects caused by transport, handling or other factors;
b) defects caused by improper installation or operation of the products manufactured ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.;
c) defects caused by any modifications or alterations made by the BUYER or any third party to the sold products or to
the equipment required for the proper operation of the sold products;
d) defects caused by any force majeure event or another fortuitous event beyond any reasonable control of ZAMEL
Sp. z o.o.;
e) the power supply (batteries) included (if any) with the product as sold.
3. The BUYER shall submit all warranty claims in writing to the original reseller or to ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.
4. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. will examine each warranty claim as regulated by the applicable provisions of the Polish law.
5. If found valid by examination, the warranty claim will be processed by replacement of the defective product, its
repair or a refund of the price of purchase at the sole discretion of ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.
6. This warranty is only effective on the following territories: the Republic of Poland.
7. This warranty does not exclude, limit or suspend any rights of the BUYER arising from the statutory or regulatory
laws concerning implied warranty for defects of sold goods.