Thank you for being the proud new owner of the ZAGG Cover-Fit. This
amazing keyboard is ultra-slim and packed with a ton of features that
make typing fast, easy, and comfortable. To get the most from your new
keyboard, please read the following instructions. Keep these instructions
for future reference.
Your ZAGG Cover-Fit attaches to your Samsung tablet via a unique
compression fit. To attach your tablet to the Cover-Fit:
1. Place your Cover-Fit on a clean, flat surface.
2. With its screen facing the Cover-Fit’s keys,
place the bottom of your tablet (in
landscape mode) so that it fits snugly
against the back edge of the Cover-Fit.
3. Press your tablet onto the Cover-Fit. Ensure the
clasps on the side of the Cover-Fit are secure
onto your tablet. You are now ready to take your
work and play everywhere you go.
4. To remove your Cover-Fit, simply grasp it at
the groove on the front of the keyboard and lift up.
If lifting from the groove does not supply enough
force to separate your keyboard, lift
it as instructed above, but then slide your
finger/s to each side closer to the corners.