Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
If necessary, click on the “Stop” button in the lower right corner of the screen of the user interface
CH1 tab.
Verify the settings under “Encoder Setup” match your video source.
Under Output Setup, set Output Format to “TSFILE”.
Using the Output Device dropdown menu, select your USB storage location.
In the “File Prefix” textbox, enter the desired prefix for your .ts file name.
When saved, a number will be automatically generated and added to the end of the file
prefix, starting with zero. If subsequent recordings are made to the same USB, existing
files with the same prefix will be detected and the new recordings will auto-increment
to the next number.
By default, “MOV” is entered. This will result in a file entitled MOV0.ts on the USB.
Subsequent recordings will be entitled MOV1.ts, MOV2.ts, etc.
Click on the “Start” button. After a moment, the encoder status will change to RUNNING.
When your desired recording length has been reached, click on the Stop button.
Wait at least 10 seconds after stopping the encoding before disconnecting the USB storage device to
ensure that all buffered data is completely transferred.
You can verify your recording by connecting the USB device to your PC and opening the newly
created .ts file in VLC media player.
The PC should be at least a quadcore or 8-core PC. If the PC is too slow, frame skips and
possibly video artifacts will be observed upon playback. VLC should be version 2.1.3 or newer.