Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Z3 also provides an application called ZFinder which can find the IP address of Z3 products. To use
this to find the DHCP address, simply double-click it on a Windows PC. The ZFinder window appears.
ZFinder does a scan of the network and lists the location of all Z3 systems connected to the network.
In this case, the Z3-DM816X-RPS RDK appears:
Click on the Z3-DM816X-RPS RDK entry in the window to select it. This will cause the “Edit Device”,
“Open Device” and “Flash Leds” boxes to activate:
Click on “Open Device.” An Internet browser window is opened (default browser used is Firefox) and
the Web GUI appears:
Figure 29 Using ZFinder to find the DHCP Address
Figure 30 ZFinder with Z3-DM816X-RPS RDK Selected