Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
3.1 Preparing the Linux Environment
Prior to building the Z3 sample code, certain modules are required. In Ubuntu 10.x or later, the
following command can be used to get the required modules:
sudo apt-get install bison flex mtd-utils liblzo2-dev uuid-dev zlib1g-dev
libpcre3-dev autoconf autoconf-archive automake automake1.9 automake1.9-doc
libtool libtool-doc
In Fedora, the command would be:
sudo yum install bison flex mtd-utils mtd-utils-ubi lzo-devel libuuid-devel
pcre-devel automake automake17 automake14 autoconf libtool
If you are running a 64-bit OS, it may be necessary to install some 32-bit libraries for the cross-
compiling toolchain. You can determine whether your OS is 64-bit by using the “uname –p”
command. A 64-bit OS will return “x86_64,” while a 32-bit OS will return “i386”, “i586”, or “i686”.
For 64-bit Ubuntu, you can get the necessary libraries by typing:
# sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
For 64-bit Fedora, you can type:
# sudo yum install glibc.i686
3.2 Making the Directories and Running the Make Script
The software provided will allow you to re-create the pre-installed software of the Z3-DM8107-RPS
starting from the included source code.
On a PC running Linux, create a directory where the released materials are going to be located:
# mkdir /home/z3/z3-dm810x
Copy the released tar archive to that directory:
# cp SW-4R1-00194-01_DM8107-RPS-20140401.tar.bz2 /home/z3/z3-dm810x
Untar the archive:
# tar -xvjf SW-4R1-00194-01_DM8107-RPS-20140401.tar.bz2
Untarring could take 5 to 10 minutes.
Then go into the directory just created and run the build script:
# cd z3-centaurus-dm810x_RDK-20140401
# ./makeall