Button 1 - Network Wide Inclusion: The device can be included into a Z-Wave network from any physical
location in the network. This requires a primary controller supporting Explorer Frames. This mode lasts for
20 seconds and stops automatically. Any button press stops the mode as well.
Button 2 - Send Node Information Frame and Wake up Notification. (See explanation in the respective
chapters below)
Button 3 – Standard Inclusion/Exclusion Mode: The device is included or excluded from a controller in direct
wireless range. Any button press stops the mode. Performing an exclusion of the device from a network
resets the device into its factory default.
Button 4 - Association Set: To assign target devices to one of the four association groups. Refer to the
manuals section about association for more information how to set and unset association groups.
Behavior within the Z-Wave network
On factory default the device does not belong to any Z-Wave network. The device needs to join an
existing wireless network to communicate with the devices of this network. This process is called Inclusion.
Devices can also leave a network. This process is called Exclusion. Both processes are initiated by the
primary controller of the Z-Wave network. This controller will be turned into exclusion respective inclusion
mode. Please refer to your primary controllers manual on how to turn your controller into inclusion or
exclusion mode. Only if the primary controller is in inclusion or exclusion mode, this device can join or leave
the network. Leaving the network - i.e. being excluded - sets the device back to factory default.
If the device already belongs to a network, follow the exclusion process before including it in your network.
Otherwise inclusion of this device will fail. If the controller being included was a primary controller, it has to
be reset first.
Once the controller is turned into inclusion mode turn the Wall Controller into management mode and
hit button 3. The device is excluded by entering management mode and hitting button 3 when the
controller is in exclusion mode. To include/exclude the device in the NWI mode turn the Wall Controller
into management mode and hit button 1.
Operating the device
Depending on the button mode and command set configured the device can be used in different ways.
Button modes:
Control with two groups of two buttons (This is the default mode) One group (No. 1) of devices is
controlled by button 1 and 3, the other group (No. 2) is controlled by button 2 and 4. Clicking the larger
button turns the loads 'ON', clicking the smaller button turns the loads 'OFF'. If double clicks are enabled in
configuration parameters #1 or #2, groups No. 3 and No. 4 are controlled by short double click of the
Dimming commands are sent by holding down the buttons (Dim UP using Buttons 1 and 2, Dim Down using
Buttons 3 and 4) respective Click + Hold in case the double click option is enabled.
(c) 2012 Z-Wave Europe GmbH, Goldbachstr. 13, 09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany, All rights reserved, www.zwaveeurope.com - pp 4