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     (c) 2012 Z-Wave Europe GmbH, Goldbachstr. 13, 09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany,

or exclusion mode. Only if the primary controller is in inclusion or exclusion mode, this device can join or leave the network.
Leaving the network - i.e. being excluded - sets the device back to factory default.

If the device already belongs to a network, follow the exclusion process before including it in your network. Otherwise inclusion of
this device will fail. If the controller being included was a primary controller, it has to be reset first.

Tripple Click the button on the device confirms inclusion and exclusion. After plugging in it will stay in auto inclusion mode for 4

Operating the device

Manual Operation

Plug the device into a wall outlet near the load to be controlled.

Plug the load into the switch. Make sure the load to be controlled cannot exceed 3000 watts.

Press the button or switch the load to the ON position.

To manually turn ON the switch, press and release the On/Off button. The LED will turn on, and the load plugged into the switch

will also turn on.
To manually turn OFF the switch, simply press and release the On/Off button again. The LED will turn off and the load plugged

into the switch will also turn off.

Remote Operation

Remote On/Off control of the switch is possible with any manufacturer's Z-Wave controller. Further you can set associations to let
your device controlled by other Z-Wave devices like sensors.

The switch is able to detect the current wattage (5 - 3150W) and overload wattage (3010 - 3300W) of connected ligths or
appliances. When detecting overload state, the switch will be disabled and its On/off button will be locked and the LED will flash
quickly. However unplug and reconnect the switch to reset its overload condition to normal status.

Node Information Frame


 The Node Information Frame is the business card of a Z-Wave device. It contains information about the device type and the

technical capabilities. The inclusion and exclusion of the device is confirmed by sending out a Node Information Frame. Beside this
it may be needed for certain network operations to send out a Node Information Frame.

Tripple click the button on the device sends out a Node Information Frame.



 Z-Wave devices control other Z-Wave devices. The relationship between one device controlling another device is called

association. In order to control a different device, the controlling device needs to maintain a list of devices that will receive
controlling commands. These lists are called  association groups  and they are always related to certain events (e.g. button
pressed, sensor triggers, ...). In case the event happens all devices stored in the respective association group will receive a
common wireless command.

Association Groups:


When the power consumption of load vary over 5%, the device will send a Meter Report. When "on" or "off" state has been
changed, it will send Binary Switch Report. (max. nodes in group: 1)

Configuration Parameters

Z-Wave products are supposed to work out of the box after inclusion, however certain configuration can adapt the function better
