The WEP key must be set up exactly the same on the Wireless Access Points as they are on
the wireless clients. If you set “0011223344” for the Wireless Access Point, the same WEP key
“0011223344” must be assigned to other client stations.
Authentication Server
Authentication Server IP Address:
Enter the IP address of the external authentication server
in dotted decimal notation.
Port number:
Enter the port number of the external authentication server. The default port
number is 1812.
You need not change this value unless your network administrator instructs you to do so with
additional information.
Shared Secret:
Enter a password (up to 63 printable charaters) as the key to be shared between
the external authentication server and the device.
The key must be the same on the external authentication server and your device.The key is not
sent over the network.
Rekey Options
Reauthentication Time:
Specify how often wireless stations have to resend user names and
passwords in order to stay connected. Enter a time interval between 100 and 3600 seconds. If
wireless station authentication is done using a RADIUS server, the reauthentication timer on the
RADIUS server has priority.
Global-key Update:
This is how often the AP sends a new group key out to all clients. The
re-keying process is the WPA equivalent of automatically changing the WEP key for an AP and
all stations in a WLAN on a periodic basis.
Specify an interval either in seconds or thousands of packets that the device sends.
If you complete the settings, please click on “Apply” for changes to take effect.