Install-Xander_Insert_MASONRY - 2017-06-26.doc www.yunca.co.nz
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TESTED in compliance with AS/NZS 2918: 2001
Yunca recommends that competent trades persons carry out all installations (e.g.
NZHHA Registered Installer), to obtain maximum performance and safe, efficient
A consent is required and we suggest you check with local building inspectors as by-laws
do vary from area to area. Also notify your Insurance Company that a solid fuel heater
has been installed.
Floor Protector
Masonry installations: Floor protector (pre-cast concrete, or equivalent non-
combustible material) must be installed so that its leading edge is a minimum of
350mm in front of the appliance base [with fascia attached].
The floor protector
must be a minimum of 860mm wide x 915mm deep x 50mm thick.
Front floor protector clearance may be reduced if appliance is elevated.
(Table 2)
Seismic restraint.
Heater must be restrained from seismic movement
(Fig. 7)
as required by AS/NZS
Heat sensitive materials exclusion zone.
Non-combustible front cladding
must be used
, to a minimum of 600mm above the
top-most panel vent, and a minimum of 30mm either side of the fascia (207mm
either side of the outer casing of the firebox.
(Fig. 5)
No heat-sensitive material is permitted to contact the fascia forming or surrounding
the front of the installation.
Inside the cavity, no combustible material is to be placed any closer to the outer
casing of the firebox than 600mm from the top, 20mm from either side, or 20mm
from the rear.
Where a nogging or lintel is required, a steel angle or other suitable non-combustible
alternative should be used if within the aforementioned exclusion zone.
Mantel Clearances.
Masonry installation must have a minimum of 1300mm from the underside of the
mantel shelf to the top of the appliance hearth. The mantel shelf must not protrude
further than 150mm into the room.
All installations must have a minimum of 600mm vertically from the top vent to the
nearest combustible material.
A 100mm heat deflector
must be installed directly above the fascia for the full width
of the appliance if a mantel key or shelf is present.
Mantel uprights must not protrude further than 70mm into the room, and be no
closer than 30mm to the fascia on the side of the appliance where fans are
(internally) hard wired. For units with external wiring using the included socket on the
side panel, the side clearance to mantel uprights should be a minimum of 100mm to
allow access to the electrical socket after installation.