YT-3400/3450 series
Interpolation Mode (ITP OFF / ON)
In case of linear positioner, if feedback lever angle is above 30 degrees, the accuracy can be
reduced. During the Auto Calibration, if the positioner recognizes that the lever angel is
more than 30 degrees, the positioner will turn on or off (if less than 30 degrees) ITP function
automatically. The user can also manually turn on or off the ITP function, as well as ITP
values. (in ITP CST mode)
7.8.10 Acting Type (SINGLE / dOUBLE)
Displays or changes actuator’s current acting type.
7.8.11 Lever Type (STd / AdT)
Displays or changes current lever type. Lever type will affect ITP.
8 times
3 times
9 times
3 times
10 times
3 times