Smart Positioner
YT-2500 / 2550 / 2501 Series
Product manual
Ver. 1.04
Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)
Tight shut open shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4mA is 0%,
20mA is 100%. If temporary Tight shut open value (≤100%) is set and input current value is
above the set % value, the valve’s position is immediately moved to 100%. For example, if
linear actuator is used
and the valve’s closing direction is 100% and input value of the
current is above Tight shut open set value, the set pressure from the regulator will be
transferred to the actuator which will enhance the power to close the valve and keep it from
any leakage.
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
3 times
Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)
Tight shut close shows the current value in percentage (%). Input current of 4mA is 0%,
20mA is 100%. If temporary Tight shut close value (≤100%) is set and input current value is
below the set % value, the valve’s position is immediately moved to 0%. For example, if
rotary actuator is used and the valve’s closing direction is 0% and input value of the current
is above Tight shut open set value, it will release all the remaining pressure from Out1 of the
actuator which will have the return spring power of the actuator or Out2 pressure to close the
valve and keep it from any leakage.
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
3 times