SPTM-5V series
3. Installation
3.1 Safety
When installing a unit, please ensure to read and follow safety instructions.
Check unit’s specification and ensure to use as specified.
Follow other explosion proof procedures and safety precautions.
Use bypass valve or other supportive equipment to avoid entire system “shut down”.
Make sure all input and supply pressure to valve, actuator, and other related devices
must be turned off.
3.2 SPTM-5VL
1. Proper bracket must be made in order to adapt SPTM-5V on the actuator yoke.
Please consider following important points when a bracket is being designed.
SPTM-5V feedback lever must be parallel to the ground at 50% of the valve stroke.
- Feedback lever connection with the pin of the actuator clamp should be installed in
such a way that the valve stroke length coincides with the corresponding figure of
“mm marked on the feedback lever. Improper setting may cause poor linearity.
2. Assemble the SPTM-5V with the bracket made in previous
step by fastening the bolts. Please refer to the backside of
the SPTM-5V for size of the bolts. The standard bolt size is
M8 x 1.25P.
3. Attach SPTM-5V with the bracket to the actuator yoke –
4. Connect SPTM-5V’s feedback lever to the actuator clamp. The hole gap on the
feedback lever is 6.5mm. The connection pins outer diameter should be less than
5. Connect supply pressure to the actuator temporarily. Supply enough supply pressure to
the actuator in order to position the actuator clamp at 50% of the total valve stroke.