Youkits HB-1A MK2 Manual
Edited and revised by K9MA
The HB-1A MK2 covers the 20 and 40 meter amateur bands. (30 meters with modification.) It can
receive between 5 and 16 MHz. The IF bandwidth can be adjusted from 400 Hz to 3 kHz, allowing
reception of CW, SSB, and AM signals. It can be powered either by an internal Lithium-Ion battery or
an external power source.
The LCD display shows the following:
Operating Mode
Supply Voltage
Signal strength
Receiver Incremental Tuning (RIT)
Forward and Reflected Power
The 20 frequency storage memories can be used to change frequency and band. The tuning steps can
be set to 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, and 100 kHz for the amateur bands. Outside the amateur bands, tuning
steps can be set to 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 5 kHz, and 100 kHz. RIT tuning steps can be set to 10 Hz and 100