FORM 150.60-NM4
4. Program the Dip Switches on the microproces-
sor board (Page 27) and verify the selection by
pressing the OPTIONS key.
Switch 3 should always be closed.
Switch 6 should always be open.
NOTE: It is IMPORTANT that all switches are properly
programmed. Otherwise, undesirable operation
will result.
5. Press the PROGRAM key and program each of
the 11 limits and record them. They are as fol-
Discharge Cut-out
____ PSIG
Outside Air Temp Low Cut-out
____ °F
Outside Air Temp High Cut-out
____ °F
Discharge Pressure Unload Pres. ____ PSIG
Suction Pressure Unload Pres.
____ PSIG
Leaving Water Temp Cut-out
____ °F
Suction Pressure Cut-out
____ PSIG
Rate Control Temp
____ °F
Anti Recycle Time
____ SEC
Rate Sensitivity
____ °F/MIN
Number of Load Steps
See page 35 for assistance in programming these
6. Program the date and time by first assuring that
the CLK jumper J18 on the microprocessor board
(Fig. 25) is in the ON position (Top 2 pins).
Press the SET TIME key and set the date and
time (Page 39).
7. Program the Daily and Holiday Start/Stop
Schedule by pressing the SET SCHEDULE/
HOLIDAY key (Page 40).
8. Program the Chilled Liquid Setpoint and Control
Range by pressing the CHILLED LIQUID TEMP/
RANGE key (Page 42).
9. If the Remote Reset is to be used, the maxi-
mum reset must be programmed. This can be
programmed by pressing the REMOTE RESET
TEMP RANGE key (Page 66).
After the operator has become thoroughly familiar with the
control panel and has performed the preceding checks 24
hours prior to start-up, the unit can be put into operation.
Place the System Switches to the ON position. See
the OPERATING SEQUENCE for unit operation.
The compressor will start and a flow of liquid should
be noted in the liquid indicator. After several min-
utes of operation, the bubbles will disappear and
there will be a solid column of liquid when the unit is
operating normally. On start-up, foaming of the oil
may be evident in the compressor oil sight glass.
After the water temperature has been pulled down to
operating conditions, the oil should be clear. Normal
operation of the unit is evidenced by a hot discharge
line (discharge superheat should not drop below
50°F). clear oil in the compressor crankcase, solid
liquid refrigerant in the liquid indicator and usually
no more than 2 PSIG variation in suction pressure
for any given set of operating conditions.
Allow the compressor to run for a short time, being
ready to stop it immediately if any unusual noise or
other adverse condition should develop. When start-
ing the compressor, always make sure the oil pump
is functioning properly. Compressor oil pressure must
be as described in the SYSTEM SAFETIES Sec-
tion, page 52.
Check the system operating parameters. Do this by
selecting various readouts such as pressures and
temperatures. Compare these to test gauge read-
ings. Record readings below:
RETURN: __________________________ °F
LEAVING: __________________________ °F
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: ______________ °F
SUCTION: ________________________ PSIG
OIL: _____________________________ PSID
DISCHARGE: _____________________ PSIG
SUCTION: ________________________ PSIG
OIL: _____________________________ PSID
DISCHARGE: _____________________ PSIG
SYS 1: ____________________________ %
SYS 2: ____________________________ %
OPTIONS: ______________________________