Unitary Products Group
Only Natural gas or Propane (LP) gas are approved for use with
this furnace. Refer to the furnace rating plate or Section IV of
these instructions.
Install this furnace only in a location and position as specified in
SECTION I of these instructions.
A gas-fired furnace for installation in a residential garage must be
installed as specified in SECTION I of these instructions.
Provide adequate combustion and ventilation air to the furnace
space as specified in SECTION VI of these instructions.
Combustion products must be discharged outdoors. Connect this
furnace to an approved vent system only, as specified in SEC-
TION VII of these instructions.
Tests for gas leaks as specified in SECTION X of these instruc-
Always install the furnace to operate within the furnace’s intended
temperature rise range. Only connect the furnace to a duct system
which has an external static pressure within the allowable range,
as specified on the furnace rating plate.
When a furnace is installed so that supply ducts carry air circulated
by the furnace to areas outside the space containing the furnace,
the return air shall also be handled by duct(s) sealed to the fur-
nace casing and terminating outside the space containing the fur-
It is permitted to use the furnace for heating of buildings or struc-
tures under construction. Installation must comply with all manu-
facturer’s installation instructions including:
Proper vent installation;
Furnace operating under thermostatic control;
Return air duct sealed to the furnace;
Air filters in place;
Set furnace input rate and temperature rise per rating plate
Means for providing outdoor air required for combustion;
Return air temperature maintained between 55ºF (13ºC) and
80ºF (27ºC);
air filter must be replaced
upon substantial completion of
the construction process;
Clean furnace, duct work and components upon substantial
completion of the construction process, and verify furnace-
operating conditions including ignition, input rate, temperature
rise and venting, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
10. When installed in a Non-HUD-Approved Modular Home or building
constructed on-site, combustion air shall not be supplied from
occupied spaces.
The size of the unit should be based on an acceptable heat loss
calculation for the structure. ACCA, Manual J or other approved
methods may be used.
This furnace should be installed in accordance with all national
and local building/safety codes and requirements, local plumbing
or wastewater codes, and other applicable codes. In the absence
of local codes, install in accordance with the National Fuel Gas
Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code, and/or
CAN/CGA B149.1 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code
(latest editions). Furnaces have been certified to the latest edition
of standard ANSI Z21-47 • CSA 2.3.
Refer to the unit rating plate for the furnace model number, and
then see the dimensions page of this instruction for return air ple-
num dimensions in Figure 3. The plenum must be installed
according to the instructions.
Provide clearances from combustible materials as listed under
Clearances to Combustibles in Table 1.
Provide clearances for servicing ensuring that service access is
allowed for both the burners and blower.
These models
CSA listed or approved for installation
into a
HUD Approved Modular Home
or a
(Mobile) Home
This furnace is not approved for installation in trailers or recre-
ational vehicles.
Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in this
manual can result in furnace malfunction, death, personal
injury and/or property damage.
Furnaces for installation on combustible flooring shall not be
installed directly on carpeting, tile or other combustible material
other than wood flooring.
Check the rating plate and power supply to be sure that the elec-
trical characteristics match. All models use nominal 115 VAC, 1
Phase, 60-Hertz power supply. DO NOT CONNECT THIS APPLI-
130 VOLTS.
Furnace shall be installed so the electrical components are pro-
tected from water.
Installing and servicing heating equipment can be hazardous due
to the electrical components and the gas fired components. Only
trained and qualified personnel should install, repair, or service
gas heating equipment. Untrained service personnel can perform
basic maintenance functions such as cleaning and replacing the
air filters. When working on heating equipment, observe precau-
tions in the manuals and on the labels attached to the unit and
other safety precautions that may apply.
These instructions cover minimum requirements and conform to
existing national standards and safety codes. In some instances
these instructions exceed certain local codes and ordinances,
especially those who have not kept up with changing residential
and non-HUD modular home construction practices. These
instructions are required as a minimum for a safe installation.
The furnace will require
for combustion when the fur-
nace is located in any of the following environments.
Restricted Environments
Commercial buildings
Buildings with indoor pools
Furnaces installed in laundry rooms
Furnaces installed in hobby or craft rooms
Furnaces installed near chemical storage areas
Chemical exposure
The furnace will require
for combustion when the fur-
nace is located in an area where the furnace is being exposed to the fol-
lowing substances and / or chemicals.
Permanent wave solutions
Chlorinated waxes and cleaners
Chlorine based swimming pool chemicals
Water softening chemicals
De-icing salts or chemicals
Carbon tetrachloride
Halogen type refrigerants
Cleaning solvents (such as perchloroethylene)
Printing inks, paint removers, varnishes, etc.
Hydrochloric acid
Cements and glues
Antistatic fabric softeners for clothes dryers
Masonry acid washing materials
When outdoor air is used for combustion, the combustion air intake pipe
termination must be located external to the building and in an area
where there will be no exposure to the substances listed above.
Failure to follow the safety warnings exactly could result in serious
injury, death or property damage.
Never test for gas leaks with an open flame. Use a commercially
available soap solution made specifically for detection of leaks to
check all connections. A fire or explosion may result causing prop-
erty damage, personal injury or loss of life.