Full Perimeter Roof Curbs –
14" high roof curb with wood
nailer. Roof curb supports the entire perimeter of the unit.
Partial perimeter roof curbs –
14" high roof curb with
wood nailer. Roof curb supports the air handling sec-
tion with a separate support under the condenser end.
Compressor Sound Blankets –
compressor acoustic
sound blankets for sound sensitive applications.
Filter Switch –
an optional dirty filter alarm can be pro-
vided that will provide an alarm when the filters require
Return Air Temperature Sensor –
this sensor when
ordered separately can be used for readout through
the OptiLogic controller, and it can be used as a backup
in the event space temperature sensor fails for tempo-
rary unit operation. For units supplied with a compara-
tive enthalpy economizer control, this option is already
included. This sensor is included with heat options, and
optional for units with cooling options. This sensor must
be present for morning warm-up.
Condenser Coil Guard –
this optional wire guard pro-
tects the condenser section from access and is used
for unit aesthetics.
Louvered Panels –
Louvered panels surround the front,
back, and sides of the unit. These prevent unautho-
rized access and visually screen unit components. Un-
restricted air flow is permitted through generously sized
louvered openings. This option is applicable for any
outdoor design ambient temperature up to 46.1°C. (Fac-
tory- or Field-mounted.)
Fan Skid Isolation –
the entire supply fan assembly
shall be isolated from the unit base with two-inch de-
flection springs, or one or two-inch deflection springs
with seismic restraints.
Supply and Exhaust Fan Motors –
high efficiency
ODP, standard and high efficiency TEFC motors are
available, all meeting the Energy Policy Act of 1992
Supply Fan VFD and Manual Bypass –
for VAV ap-
plications, VFDs are provided to modulate air flow. Op-
tional manual bypass can also be provided to allow full
airflow in the event of a VFD failure.
Guide Specifications
Tele. 800-861-1001
P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592
Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by York International Corporation 2002
Form 100.50-EG3 (802)
New Release